Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Paypal Policy Updates

Have you guys read the new paypal policy, especially those doing paid postings? Some advertising network are paying through credit card transfer. I have personally just accepted a transaction with deduction of fees to the amount . However, I am not keen to upgrade my account as there are transaction fees involved for business acounts, inclusive of normal direct transfers. So, I'd probably need to limit my paid postings through this network *sigh*. Here's some info to share:

Amendment to the User Agreement and policies Notice
Date: February 8, 2007Effective Date: March 8, 2007

Beginning March 8, 2007, PayPal will amend the terms of its User Agreement, Fees and Payments (sending, Receiving and Withdrawals) Policy to permit Personal Account Holders to accept up to five credit card payments for a fee. Credit Card Payments in excess of 5 must either be rejected, or users must upgrade their account to a Premier or Business account.

Charges for credit card transfers (limited to 5 per year) are:

5.4% plus $0.30 USD. No transaction limit for payments sent via Skype,otherwise there is a limit of 5 transactions per year

5.4% plus $0.30 USD for card payments received using PayPal on Skype.


Anonymous said...

How do we know PPP is paying us through Credit Card payments and not fund transfer?

IMMomsDaughter said...

Michelle - It's not PPP, it's Pay U 2 blog

LA My Home said...

if you want to continue to blog for pay u 2 blog, and you received more than 5 payments a year, you can create another paypal account with a business/upgrade account for the credit card payment purposes only. others no credit card, use the old account so you don't get charged.

IMMomsDaughter said...

LA My Home - Good suggestion. Why didn't I think of that? Ha ha

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