Hey, I'm in KL right this moment using dial up and man, the line is soooo stable. I can't believe how consistent it is, with no intermittent drop lines like what I experienced in Kuching. Can you imagine the frustration of constantly disconnecting and connecting the line when you try to blog?
Ok, next time I come over, I'm gonna bring along my laptop again. Hopefully, I'll not be too lazy to carry it. But when I travel, this are the opportunities for me to blog without feeling like the hubby is looking over my shoulder with a frown. I know he does not like the fact that I blog late into the night as he does not want me to tire myself out. Thanks for the thought dear. But like many of you said, it is having ME time at these hours. I'm digressing here. Actually, I only wanted to point out that all you bloggers who are staying in KL are so fortunate. At least your line is more stable here.
Immomsdaughter.. I think u have a spammer commenting leh.. anyway, wanna tell u that KL internet connection is not always stable leh. My hubby will not allow me to bring my laptop when we travel :( In a way, it's good too cos I can spend more quality time with my boy and DH...
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