Friday, January 12, 2007

High Flying Job

This post is an ego booster for me, a middle aged woman with flyaway hair which is usually bundled up with hair band, dressed frumpily due to the start of portruding belly and weight gain. I cannot even remember the last time I had a facial so, please spare me the talk about grooming. It's probably because of this I had remained anonymous to everybody as any photo of me will probably disappoint you. I write better than I look :P

That was not how I was 10 years ago though.....10 years ago, I remembered I had the "IT" qualities to garner an offer as an air stewardess for Brunei Airlines. Never heard of that airline? Ha ha ha...nolah, I did not make it up, it existlah....under the small dot in the land of Brunei, one of the riches Kingdom in Asia.

Back then, I had been offered a job with my current company and left my banking job. There was about a week of freedom in between, so ETFNTD me went for the walk in interview for Brunei Airlines. Partly, what prompted me to go was also the fact that I always wanted to be an air stewardess from young. It did not help my ego that my best friend worked with SIA after she left Form 5 and my cousin worked with Brunei Airlines. I surprised myself by successfully passing the interview. The next day, I collected the Letter Of Offer and was in a dilemma. I was unsure whether to reject the offer from my current company and fulfill my dream. Then again, if I take up this high flying job, ideally I would have to go for the 5 years contract and by the time the contract ended, I would be in my late 20's. Where would that leave me? At that age, it is not easy to get a good job offer in Kuching.

Needless to say, you all know I did not take up that offer. So, here I am sitting typing this in the company which I have worked for 10 years already. No regrets as I hate flying nowadays. I cannot imagine having to fly almost everyday when I even hate flying on a monthly basis. What I am trying to put across is if you happen to see this aunty one fine day, just remember that 10 years ago, I had the "Oomph" to land that high flying job. And yes, I still have the Letter of Offer to cherish and show my kids one day that their mommy was once an attractive woman. *sniff sniff*


Sweetpea said...

Me too lar! But I was a step behind you, I didn't go for the interview, because I am a blind as a bat if my contacts are off. I just wanted to know if I qualify or got that 'oomph' factor, like you said. Got the letter for interview, but I didn't turn up. I was happy all the same, hehe.

WMD: Wife, Mother, Daughter said...

Aiyo why you describe yourself until like that? Nevertheless, I always believe that the personality of a person will glow more than appearance.

Well at least you were attractive once hmmm can't even say that for myself!!

Anonymous said...

At least you went for the interview, I only think think and think. :P
Now I regret not seeing you when I was in Kuching. I bet you still look good. :)

IMMomsDaughter said...

Sweetpea - Seems all ladies are like that. Lol.

WMD - Thank you. U really made me feel warm & fuzzy. Ha ha...Should I say beauty is in the eye of the beholder? As long as the hubby still appreciates us, ya?

ShoppingMum - Ha ha..curiosity kills the catlah :)

Anonymous said...

wei... don't despair lar... everyone is beautiful in their own ways mah... always remember... Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder... Cantik but evil also consider not cantik mah... right? :P I'm too short to qualify for the interview... :P

IMMomsDaughter said...

Angeleyes - Thanks for trying to console me but just for the record, I'm not sad about it. I'm just being factual. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, pardon my ignorance..what is "ETFNTD"?

Secondly, I'm more blur than you. i didn't realise you had another personal blog! *DOH!!!!!!!!!*

Anonymous said... many posts in few days..had to read from top to down. So, after 10 years in this company, do you wanna change job?

IMMomsDaughter said...

Mott - ETFNTD is direct Chinese translation = Eat Too Full Nothing To Do. It's one of the abbreviation that I picked up in the blogsphere :)

So, how did you finally find out about this blog?

Vien - I'm happy where I am. Just waiting to strike lottery. Kuching not many choices in terms of good company to work with.

Anonymous said...

I saw your lil link on your older blog la...

so mata sepet la me!

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