Monday, December 18, 2006

Contest Gift

I’ve finally packed the present which I owed to Angeleyes for winning the contest that I organized on my mommy blog. I’m posting the details here as I do not want to spoil the surprise.

The gift consist of one machine made Pua Kumbu scarf. Pua Kumbu originals are hand woven and can cost up to a couple of hundred bucks. The machine made ones are cheaper alternatives. I would suggest that it be used as a coffee table deco or to be framed up as a wall deco. The small box contains miniature version of the The Flower perfume by Kenzo. It’s my personal favourite. I actually bought it in a box of 3. One had already been used by me, the second one was given to my superior and this one to Angeleyes. I hope she likes it though.


Vien said...

Wah..i'm sure she will like it a lot. :)

Angeleyes said...

Yesh! I love it very much! Thanks a bunch!!!!!

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