Monday, December 25, 2006


This is NOT a sponsored post :P

I know I've raved on and on about paid posting via PPP. From what I've seen, I still feel that as far as paid posting is concern, it is the company with the strongest foundation, as in moolah :)

However, I'm also posting for another website called Blogitive which assigns offers to you instead of you getting to choose the offers. The con is that I get less offers as my blog has low readership. For those whose blog has a high Page Ranking, you can be assured of offers drowning you.

Payment by Blogitive is on weekly basis and that's something I enjoy very much as you get one lump sum payment for a few postings in that week. I was totally taken by surprise when I was paid USD15 one fine day last week. If I've caught your interest, why not sign up and try it out via the link above. Once you get approved, don't forget to mention me as referral via my e-mail add and I get free kopi-o session of USD5.


Anonymous said...

ok, i signed up d and put u as a referral. must belanja me when u come to malacca ok :P

IMMomsDaughter said...

Welcome to my blog Miche and thanks for signing up via my referral.

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